Now Being Today 4-23-2007 I am 25 and Thomas The Cat Heidi Loved is getting real old. We may have to put him down in a few days. He is not eating well and he is on a pill for a cold. he is lame and it is hard for him to get around. he used to like going out side but now he just stays in and sleeps. So I don’t know how many more days we will have him. We have had him sense 1991 so he is about 18 years old now. He Way a year or 2 old when he came to us from the wild. When he came to us he would sit up in Hampden behind our house by the wood pile and look at us. we wood feed him and then got him closer to the house by moving the food close to the door. one day my father opened the door and grabbed him and brought him inside. He was good even thou he was scared he would never bite or ever scratch. He ran through the house trying to jump through the windows. than hid behind the wood stove. He Has been a great cat we had him ever sense.
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